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RealGame Business Simulations Bridge the Gap between
Theory and Practice

Dynamic business simulation games for experiential learning of business, supply chain management, operations management, and Sustainability in Supply Chain Management.


RealGame is trusted by universities all around the world

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Why choose RealGame business simulations?

Reason 1: Real-time operations

RealGame simulations imitate the flow of time as in the real world. In other words, it's like running a business in a virtual environment where time only moves forward faster. Every decision in the game shapes the outcomes in real-time.

How do educators around the world use RealGame in their teaching?

Hana Hulthén

Assistant Professor

at Linnaeus University, Sweden

"RealGame is a better environment
to practice than real ERP systems"

Hana Hulthen_person-photo.png

Bente Flygansvær

Associate Professor

at BI Norwegian Business School, Norway

"RealGame simplifies my teaching and
gives students hands-on experience"

Bente Flygansvær_person-photo.png

Taab Ahmad Samad

Assistant Professor at University of Birmingham Dubai

"RealGame simplified my job and engaged students by providing a dynamic live platform to apply all the things they learned in theory"

Taab Admad Samad_person-photo

RealGame business simulation effectiveness is supported by academic research

Visit our research page to learn more about research with and about RealGame business simulation.

Join us from all over the world

Over 45 000 RealGame learners in over 40 countries have enjoyed RealGame -  an efficient and engaging learning experience with evident benefits.

After working with RealGame...

62,2 %
of students were able to name more concepts,

50 %
Increase in the accuracy of concepts,

65,5 %
of students described more cause-effect connections between processes.

Participants’ understanding of the organization’s ERP

RealGame was part of an ERP training program for over 200 specialists and managers in a global organization representing 10 nationalities with outstanding results. 

RealGame Business Simulation For Your Course

Bring theory to practice with our All-in-One Supply Chain Management Simulation for engaging, effective, and fun teaching.

RealGame for Supply Chain Management


Transform the classroom with interactive simulations that bring procurement strategies to life.

RealGame for Procurement Management

Equip future professionals with sustainability knowledge and skills applicable throughout the supply chain.

RealGame for Sustainable SCM

Transform your classroom with interactive simulations that bring operations management concepts to life.

RealGame for Operations Management

Turn theory into practice with our interactive Management Accounting Simulation, designed to engage and empower students to understand the essential link from business operations to management accounting, enterprise information systems and key performance indicators

RealGame for Finance & Accounting Management

What do teachers need to start teaching with RealGame?

Starting teaching with RealGame is simple and requires only:


       Teacher Training provided by RealGame Course plan, easy with RealGame resources


       Computers with internet connection for teacher and students 


       Setting up a RealGame session and inviting students to login to their simulation companies. 

Teacher having zoom with students
Why do educators choose RealGame?
Team discussion

  Benefits for Teachers:

  • Real-time simulations with a focus on processes,

  • Flexibility and ease of use,

  • Supports student-centered learning approach,

  • Based on the latest pedagogy and research,

  • Multi-campus/multi-site teaching,

  • Cloud-based service with no installation and maintenance,

  • Integrates content from various disciplines.

  Benefits for Students:

  • Engaging and efficient digital learning,

  • Concrete work-life skills in an authentic environment,

  • Integrates theory and practice,

  • Access from anywhere - classroom and virtual learning,

  • ​Dynamic business processes on a transactional level,

  • Develops teamwork, communication, and decision-making.

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Curious how RealGame can enhance your teaching courses?

See how the simulation works
Test it yourself

Learn how to apply RealGame on your course, and more.

You can get answers to your questions and schedule a free demo:

RealGame Business Simulations

Address: Vilkastuksenkatu 10, FI-20320 Turku, Finland


Phone: +358 400 445 913

Contact info:

  • LinkedIn


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